Memory of weekend well spent with very best company at Kartano Weekend 2024 and greyhound speciality show
21.07.2024 Finland Greyhound Speciality Show –
Judge: Mr. Knut Blutecher
The most important WIN
Estet Classic Fortunate – CH class Ex1, CQ, BF1, BOB and awarded as Best Mover (Second year in a row)
Estet Classic Spring Fever – CH class – Ex2, CQ, BF2
Both were asked to come back to best head and best mover competition.
41 greyhounds were entered (22 females)
BOB Estet Classic Fortunate (Zjabrikova Liisa, Estonia)
BOS veteran Estet Classic Northern Nevena (Markkula Sari)
BOB puppy Estet Classic Frosty Harmony (Gorbatsjova Olga, Estonia)
BOS puppy Estet Classic Frosty Vigor (Mård Minna)
BB2 CQ Estet Classic Spring Fever
BB4 CQ Tatanka Vitka Joviality Estet Classic
All results is HERE
Judge’s comments –
The Finnish Greyhound Specialty Show,
Sunday 21.07.2024
It was a great honour and pleasure to be invited back again judging at this Kartano Weekend. On Saturday I had a fabulous entry of whippets and on Sunday 41 greyhounds! A privilege to be invited to judge at this prestigious show.
Thank you to the hard-working officers and committee for the kind invitation and the great hospitality. Everything was super organized – the time before, during and after the show, which made it such a memorable occation. Also a big thank you to the many exhibitors for showing me such a nice number of dogs, and my excellent ring steward and writer. You made everything so easy for me.
The showground was just perfect, all the facilities were there and what a fabulous lunch! The ring was large with nearly golf green cut grass, so everyone could really show the movement of their dogs.
We all like to see lovely quality, size, upstanding, and the type of greyhounds with quality outline, lovely head and expression, long powerful neck, which flows softly and easy into body through well laid shoulders. Well developed body with great depth of brisket and nice ribbing. The lines continues over the strong and well muscled topline and croup continuing into powerful and well angulated hindquarters.
The silhouette is not complete without the correct underline. Starting at the nose, well developed and dry under jaw without too much lips. Continuing down to the well constructed and well balanced front, neither too thin and hollow, nor too broad and heavy – but nicely filled. The elbow lays well controlled to the deepest point of the brisket, giving a long soft and generous underline which we all like to see. The curve goes smoothly into strong and well developed hindquarters, with strong thighs and second thighs, nicely angulated knees, well let down hocks and strong feet.
Many of the dogs were of excellent quality. But saying this – I would have liked to see more depth of quality in some of the classes. My class winners were of excellent quality, size and type. The body and general shape was overall good. They were well made, strong but elegant, well balanced, capacious, deep with nice ribbing. The hindquarters were mostly strong and well angulated. High quality bones on a hound are of great importance, more bladed than round. Several of the dogs were of excellent high quality that moved free and easy round the ring. Most of the dogs had lovely heads, dark eyes with that lovely calm expression.
The necks were of good length, well developed and nicely set into body. Some dogs had too thin ones. With a proper neck and neck set over the withers, the dogs get the majestic look and appearance that we are looking for in this breed. We like to see a true stallion showing his potential in his typical neck and neck carriage.
Toplines were overall correct. A few were falling too much, especially in croup. A well made and strong topline is really a pleasure to see.
Fronts are difficult! Correct, well made, developed and angulated fronts are rather hard to find in several breeds – even in greyhounds. I did find some rather upright as well as forward fronts, or both, with little front fill. Others were too heavy and broad. Shoulders were better than the upper arms. A well laid upper arm of proper length, with the elbow well into the deepest point of a well developed brisket is what we are looking for.
Greyhounds are not ordinary «showdogs» or “trotting machines”. They are not built for that. But we all like to see free and light moving dogs in great balance and harmony. I would have liked to see a little more soundness down and back in some of the dogs.
I was a bit upset about temperament. Some felt really unhappy in the ring, which hurt my heart! Perhaps the weather was a problem. I don’t know. But pay attention! The dogs should be all gentle and nice to go over and enjoy themselves.
To me the overall quality is more important than certain points. The type, outline, quality and balance are a summary of points – making the real greyhound. In such a strong and lovely entry, the dogs have to be excellent in most departments to be highly rewarded.
Starting the day with some promising puppies, where several will do some good winning in the time to come, I’m sure! Several were of very nice quality indeed showing great potential with great balance with lovely long curves and substance combined with elegance. These are in full growth, as we know – some days they are in balance and sometimes not, but at the end some turns into swans.
My best puppy, Estet Classic Frosty Harmony, so well named as she was indeed in harmony on the day! Beautiful young girl in great balance, liked her size, type, fabulous outline, beautiful quality head, lovely eyes, long neck that flows into nice clean shoulders, strong well made topline, with a matching underline, lovely frame, nicely boned and excellent strong hindquarters, and lovely free side gait for her age. I really hope she continue this way. If so – she will make music in the time to come!
2nd best puppy bitch was her sister Estet Classic Frosty Spark, a most beautiful high quality young bitch of the type, style, structure I was looking for. But today she was a bit unsettled in the ring and did not give her best. But when she does, she can be hard to beat, I’m sure!
3rd Ina’s Fashion Highness, a red fawn girl at 8 months, had lot to offer, but today was a bit up on legs and had not the lovely sweeping curves, we all love to see. This can of course change at any stage.
Best puppy male and BOS was Estet Classic Frosty Vigor. What a handsome boy at again 7 months! Excellent type, size, make and shape. Has a nice masculine head with a good eye, Elegant and strong neck which flows into topline. Well made body with excellent depth of chest and filling in front. Nicely angulated. Lovely mover when he wanted to show me.
2nd Ested Classic Frosty Whisper, another quality mate from this nice Frosty litter. Lovely sweeping lines, well made through out, strong frame to grow into, nice head, good eye, small ears, excellent neck, well bodied with great depth and filling in front, balanced angulated, still a bit flat in topline, very nice mover for his age.
3rd Tiliment Le Tribute, most elegant young boy at 8 months, nice size and type, elegant head, could be darker in eyes, long elegant neck, strong topline, but falls too much over croup. A bit upright in front today. Would like to see a deeper chest and filling in front, which I hope will come with age.
My best bitch and finally Best in Show winner among the adults – was the pale brindle Ch Estet Classic Fortunate. She is totally sound and feminine, combining substance and elegance to perfection. A beautiful high quality bitch of the type, style, structure and movement I was looking for. An impressive, classy bitch with beautiful curves all in the right places. She scores highly in keeping her beautiful outline, while standing and on the move. Her movement became better and better during the day, and in the final she was the very best!
2nd best bitch was the red fawn Ch Estet Classic Spring Fever. Loved her beautiful breed type and quality, totally feminine, quality written all over, great outline, excellent size. Sound and free mover from side.
3rd came the elegant dark brindle Ch Ina’s Fashion Flawless, most feminine bitch with a nice head, dark eyes, excellent small ears, elegant long neck, strong topline, not too much but balanced angulated, moved with great rhythm from side.
4th best bitch was the young Tatanka Vitka Joviality Estet Classic, strong but feminine, lovely dark brindle, who had many qualities. Excelling in lovely S-curves, when relaxed. Lovely head and expression. Long powerful neck. Excellent depth of brisket, but a bit forward and heavy in front. Her strong rear had well angulated stifles with low hocks which she used perfectly.
Best male and BOS was the striking dark brindle Ch Inas Fashion’s Fantastic, still young, but presenting his already stylish outline, lovely curves and excellent breed type. So much to like about. Elegant head, long neck that flows beautifully into his strong topline, Well made body with excellent depth of brisket. Still needs a bit more time for perfection. He moves free and sound.
2nd best male Ch Estet Classic Summer Dancing. Dark brindle. Lovely outline, stunning curves and excellent breed type and size. Very elegant head that could have a stronger underjaw. Super expression, excellent neck which was nicely set into topline, well made body with excellent depth of brisket. He has a lovely and well made hindquarters. Would like to see a better return in upperarm for perfection. Very ice mover.
3rd was Romgrey I Am Isaac, another top class male, this time from veteran. Handsome well made white and brindle dog, excelling in brilliant breed type with long generous proportions, very nice head and expression. He has a great attitude and noble bearing. His neck is long and powerful, a bit flat in topline on the move, long in loin and a bit steep in croup. Excellent angulated front and depth of body, strong well made hindquarters, excelled on the move. Best head!
4th Estet Classic Lucky Punch, handsome well made young male at neary two years of age, classic type, nice outline, quality head, well ached neck, well set into a strong topline, great depth chest, would like to see more angulation and filling in front, well made hindquarters. He was very proud of his tail! Nice mover from side.
Thank you for a fabulous day, and best of luck to you all in the days to come!