…Hot sun , but also great fun and truely very pleasing results for theEstet Classic Borzois at the IBC Winner Show on Aug 19 nr Arnhem (NL).
The Dutch had chosen to go for a kind of experiment, as all threejudges,
Irina Terra (US), Eli Gunneng (NO) and Kay Sneath (AUS),
had to give points for each entry. This lead to quiet proceedings, as the results were not made known until the very end of the day. It had turnedout, that Christofer’s Estet Classic Hakkon at Wyehawk had won the Open Dog competition and Evelyn’s Estet Classic Freska the Open Bitch class. Fantastic!!!!
Hakkon’s mother, Estet Classic Vsemila, seemed to have been 2nd in Senior Bitches.On the Sighthound Specialty the next day, she won BEST VETERAN BITCH out of seven present under Swiss Beatrix Maerki Casanova
Felt so much like at home when showing Hakkon and Vsemila – thanks a lot, Christofer Habig for your hospitality in your beautiful home, and you did everything to make our trip was great , terribly enjoyed it !!!!Back on the plane, Hedi and I had a lot to talk about….